Get Business Minded
1.Create any marketing material you would like – business cards, postcards, invites, etc
2. Develop your working folder to use in your car/office– Ask for explanation of this from up-line.
3. Become “a product of the product,” use the items in your kit (take Shaklee before photo) & review the benefits of the products.
4. Read through entire product guide to become familiar with products. Consider products to order to Shaklee-ize your home.
5. Schedule three 3-way conference calls on either health topics or the business. Plan with your up-line.
Social Media and Sharing Your Business
1. Take a picture of your Success Pack when it arrives and post on Facebook, tag your up-line and share your excitement.
2. Write a letter about starting your business to be shared in mail, email and messenger. Include your why, call to action, website link, events, and how they can help you.
Guidelines and examples in Google Drive.
3. Become familiar & explore
4. Join the following FB pages: The Shaklee Effect (Follow directions closely),Team 212 (Will be added by up-line), Sharing Shaklee (Must be added by up-line), 100 Days to Amazing.
5. Watch Moyra, Lisa, and Coletta & Leonard on Shaklee T.V. and share with friends & family.
6. Plan 3 way calls with those interested in the business or products with your up-line.